Gotta love nostalgia!

30 01 2007

A few months ago I read about a new store opening in Victoria Park (a suburb of Perth, not far from where we currently live). The owner’s philosophy is to only sell well-designed and useful items – all products stocked have to meet both criteria. Price is not a prime consideration, but usability and good design are. “Ah!” I thought. “Here’s a man after my own heart.”

So on Saturday when we were wandering about trying to sort out phone connections etc. we stopped into The Good Store at 363 Albany Hwy, Vic Park (for all you readers who are Perth locals: where Cadd’s used to be almost opposite the Heart of the Park shopping centre). And there we found… wait for it…

Splayds!!! Yay! They are producing Splayds again! Not the old style ones (like those shown here and here), but newer ones with a brushed stainless finish, a well-weighted handle, and nice form for the eating part. (I’ve packed them already, so no pics…)

Of course, if you’re an Aussie under about 30, you probably have no clue what a Splayd is, but for those over 30, you’ll be pleased to know you can buy them again. For those of you in North America, you may know them by various other names such as Sporks (though they’re not really like a Spork in that there’s no cutting edge).

Whatever they’re called, they’re a darned useful eating tool! As the bloke running the store said on Saturday, most people would never admit in public that they eat in front of the TV, but that’s where Splayds come into their own. That and stirfries. I can’t eat stirfries successfully with chopsticks, so a Splayd is ideal as you can eat the whole meal with one hand and still scoop up all the lovely sauces and juices.

And the price for a set of eight at The Good Store? $40. Can’t get better than that!

(BTW, the owner of the store said they are selling like hotcakes!)



3 responses

30 01 2007
Reidel wine glasses… but without the stems « At Random

[…] Filed under: Food & Wine — sandgroper14 @ 10:21 am While we were at The Good Store on Saturday, we noticed that they also stock the eminently sensible (and useful) Reidel wine glasses, but wine […]

2 02 2007

Reidel and Splayds in a single morning of blog reading?! You could seriously become my favourite author.

I remember what Splayds are, and despise the term Sporks – urgh.

Do they have an online facility?

2 02 2007


The Good Store has a placeholder website for the moment. But you could email Marshall (the owner; details from the website link above) and see if he can mail you some! I’m sure places like Myer and David Jones would have them now too – I just hate those big stores and avoid them where possible.

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